One of the most modern lubricant factories
The ROWE main factory, which is located in Worms and was opened in 2014, was designed and erected with sustainability in mind from day one. This can be seen, among other things, in the more than 65 km of pipework on site. The so-called "dedicated Lines" at ROWE are each utilised exclusively for one specific product, which thereby saves the environment countless flushing operations for the pipes which would otherwise be necessary.
We generate a significant amount of own electricity via a photovoltaic system and a combined heat and power plant at our factory. We even make good use of the waste heat from the indoor boilers and this is utilised for production processes and to heat the factory halls. This process is so efficient that we can actually dispense with an additional heating system in production.
Storage, Mixing area and Filling
Mixing vessel
Litres of tank storage volume
State-of-the-art filling system
Container filling capacity / hrs.
KEY DATA Bubenheim
Storage, Mixing area and Filling
Mixing vessel
Litres of tank storage volume
State-of-the-art filling system
Container filling capacity / hrs.
Facts about the factory

- 4,000m² solar plant: output of 749 kWp

- 65 km of so-called dedicated lines: each product is provided with its own pipe, so flushing pipework is largely prevented

Combined heat and power plant with an output of 600 kW thermal and 600 kW electrical

- Indoor boilers whose waste heat is utilised for heating and production processes
CO2-compensated production
The modern process control system as well as a fullyCO2-compensated production also characterise the ROWE factory in Worms. Numerous measures have enabled us to reduce ourCO2emissions considerably. But that is still not enough for us: we will compensate for all unavoidable emissions by supporting various sustainability projects which are certified according to the globally recognised Gold Standard.
We also act sustainably with our containers: The containers which are produced by Palbo GmbH are made of around 50 percent recycled material. In addition, they are manufactured close to our production locations, thereby eliminating long transport routes. Our company is also certified according to the DIN EN ISO 14001 and DIN EN ISO 50001 standards.